We offer a range of programs, classes, equipment, and guidance allowing you to exercise, gain strength and increase flexibility without putting excess strain on your joints and muscles.


We want to help you gain more strength and independence. Register now to learn more!

You can also search for fitness classes to meet your needs here: Group Exercise Schedule


Walk With Ease

The YMCA of Central New York is proud to offer the Arthritis Foundation Walk with Ease Program. Walk with Ease is a six-week group exercise program that can reduce pain and improve overall health. Learn how to walk safely and comfortably, while improving your flexibility, strength, and stamina! If you can be on your feet for 10 minutes without increased pain, you can have success with Walk with Ease.



Enhance®Fitness Arthritis Management

Treating Arthritis through Smiles, Fun and Friendships

Enhance®Fitness is a proven community-based senior fitness and arthritis management program. Its purpose is to help older adults become more active, energized, and empowered for independent living.

EnhanceFitness has been nationally recognized by the US Centers for Disease Control, the US Department of Health and Human Services, the US Administration on Aging and the National Council on Aging.

It offers low-impact exercise classes that are safe and challenging for older adults of all fitness levels. Exercises focus on increasing cardiovascular endurance, strength, balance and flexibility - all of which can reduce arthritis symptoms.

Most importantly, EnhanceFitness is fun. Classes are held in a relaxed atmosphere that promotes smiles fun, laughter and friendships. Participants keep coming back and encouraging each other to stay healthy.


What you'll get through EnhanceFitness

  • Certified instructor with special training to bring out your best
  • Five-minute warm-up to get the blood flowing to the muscles
  • 20-minute aerobic workout to get you moving, or a walking workout to lively music
  • Five-minute cool-down
  • 20-minute strength training workout with soft ankle or wrist weights
  • 10-minute stretching workout to keep muscles flexible
  • Multiple balance exercises
  • Lots of opportunities to socialize and make new friends
  • You'll feel welcome, whether you have arthritis or not